Trust Works Both Ways

In a very recent post of mine: 'Why is Trust Important in a Relationship' I talked about why trust was one of the foundations upon which any and all relationships are based for them to work. In any relationship you will want trust to be apparent between you otherwise your relationship will not function nearly as well as it could or it won't work at all.

It's so easy in a relationship to just take take take and expect a lot from the other party. It is a very easy trap to fall into and is something that we are all guilty of sometimes. Overlooking ourselves and focusing on another is part of human-nature but can cause a lot of trouble if you are not careful. The reason why it is troublesome is because you should make sure that you are acting in a trustworthy manner before you go accusing the other person. If you are honest and you notice that you are an untrustworthy individual then this hypocrisy will cause more tensions and will not be received well. 

It is not fair to hold another individual to a standard and yet you yourself completely disregard that standard. If you were to be told not to do something or to be wary of doing something and yet the person who told you did it themselves, I would imagine that you would be either angry, irritated, or annoyed by them - this may then make you ignore them and decide that if they are doing it then you are going to do it too?, even if actually it is the wrong thing to be doing although they themselves are doing it anyway.

Trust is something that is a two-way act. It cannot and does not work properly if one party totally brushes it off to one side, it needs both parties to understand and commit to it. So with this in mind make sure that in your relationships you are building it upon trust which you both display.
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