Walking Challenge

Challenge: Walk 12,000 - 20,000 steps per day depending upon how active you are now.

Challenge Duration: 21 Days

Walking is healthy for us and is exercise, and our bodies need exercise (as well as other things) to maintain good health.  Something I briefly went over in two recent posts of mine is about the 10,000 steps guideline. 10,000 is the number of steps that is advised for us to try and reach each day. Researchers have said that by walking these 10,000 steps a day you are likely to significantly improve your health.
Before I get into this challenge I will first say that you are going to need a pedometer as it is based on the number of steps you take, unless you are willing to count them. There are three different levels to this. The first is the 'normal' level, the second is the 'intermediate' level, and the third is the 'difficult' level.
The three different levels are in place to cater to everyone. If you are unsure about which one to go for then I would first suggest wearing the pedometer for a few days so that you know how far you usually walk in your day.
Also, the duration of the challenge (21 days) is the same whichever level you are doing.

The main aim of this challenge is not for you to be able to say "I walk 12,000+ steps a day" (although you could say that if you wanted) but simply to get you to walk more and get into the habit of regular exercise. 
Here's a post which discusses the good things about walking: 9 Benefits of Walking.

Normal Challenge

I would suggest taking on the normal level of this challenge if you walk around 10,000 or less steps a day.
The normal level is to walk 12,000 steps every day for 21 days, which won't have you walking huge expeditions every day but will make sure that you are active enough to notice a difference.

Intermediate Challenge

The intermediate level is for those already pretty active people out there who either will find the 'normal' challenge too easy or already walk around that amount of steps per day anyway.
I would suggest taking on this level if you are walking 11,000-14,000 steps a day. This level cranks up the amount of steps by three thousand steps making your daily target 15,000 steps per day for 21 days. 

I think out of the three levels of this challenge, I personally would take on this as it is something that would feel challenging yet at the same time not out of my reach to achieve.

Difficult Challenge

Finally we come to the hardest of the three different levels of the challenge which is the 'difficult' challenge. This is meant for those who are very active each day and do a lot of walking. If you are already doing around 15,000+ steps per day then this one is for you, although I don't want anyone to overdo things and injure themselves, so only do if you are in peak physical condition and know you could handle it. For this one, your daily goal to reach is 20,000 steps.
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