Benefits of Running

Do you want to know and receive the benefits of running? The answer, if you're reading this, is most likely yes. 

I know that running is not for everyone and is always on the forefront of the mind when coming to think about fun - especially when you return home soaked in sweat, smelling not that great, and pretty exhausted. 

However, although you do sweat a lot from a good run and it does tire you out, there are many great benefits behind the exercise. So whilst running may be hard work, you will be receiving rewards for doing so - which I think are worth putting the effort in trying to achieve, and are convincing reasons to start running. 

10 Benefits of Running 

Running is one of the most popular forms of exercise that there is. Not only is it free, but also accessible wherever you live. So, here are the benefits of running that you can see through regular participation.

1. Keeps you Fit

One of the main benefits of running, or in fact any strenuous exercise, is that it keeps you fit and in good shape, or at least help you on your way to good shape. The more you do, the fitter your body will become.

2. You can do it Anywhere 

One of the great things about running, unlike some sports, is that you can do it anywhere. You don't have to worry about not having anywhere to run because there will always be a place wherever you are. 

If you live in a city, you can run along the pavements. If you live in the country you can run over fields or down country lanes. If you go to the gym you can run on the treadmill. If you live near a beach you can run on that. 

Really, their are so many places to run that the accessibility of it is one of it's benefits...not to mention it's free of charge which is nice. :) 

3. Strengthens Your Legs

Any form of regular exercise will help strengthen and tone muscles in use. Running is a demanding exercise that has your muscles working hard in order to keep your body going. Because of this, your muscles are going to become stronger where they repair from sessions and grow back stronger to deal with the physical demand - becoming more used to it. 

4. Improves Stamina

Running is a form of cardiovascular (cardio) exercise , which gets your blood pumping, heart racing, and sees you breathing heavily. Cardio is great for improving stamina and is the best type of exercise for doing so. I won't go into much about improving stamina in this post as I've already written more in detail about it here: How to Improve Stamina

5. Helps to Manage Weight

Being overweight is on the rise, and although we hear about all the health issues related to this, losing those extra pounds can be hard.

Running is a brilliant exercise for losing weight, and the hard work needed for it (or any cardio exercise) is great for shedding pounds and managing weight. Or course, if not in tandem with a good diet, results may not be great. 

This is another topic I've written more about, so I'll provide some links that you may be interested in viewing: 

6. Easier to Get to Sleep

Studies on runners and sleep have shown that on average runners find it easier to get to sleep and sleep for longer than non-runners. This could be because they're more physically drained than non-runners being more physically active, and their bodies need to recover and strengthen with sleep. Although, I'm sure that this is true for people who do other strenuous exercises on a regular basis too. 

Some posts relating to sleep, that will give you a more in-depth perspective are:

7. Improves Heart Health

Running just 10 miles a week reduces the risk of heart disease by an impressive 42 percent according to a study published in the British Medical Journal. Running will improve your circulation enabling the heart to pump blood more effectively - this can help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

8. Reduce Stress

Running, and exercise in general, is a great way to alleviate stress and anxiety. When you run, you have time to have time to think. It's this time you have to yourself that you can use to sort things out in your mind. 

The fresh air and freedom that comes with running will help to improve your mood as well, which can in turn help alleviate stress.  

I won't go too much into stress in this post. I have written an more about it here: The Common Causes of Stress and how to Deal with it.

9. Strengthens Your Bones

This may sound a little bizarre, but is true, running helps strengthen bones. As our bodies grow older, over time our muscles and bones deteriorate and decrease in strength if not worked out. 

Running is a great workout for the body, which will cause the body's muscles and bones to become stronger. So, if you are a couch potato, you are going to have weaker bones than if you were a regular runner. 

10. Keeps you Productive 

Let's face it, running is hard work. Lounging around on the sofa, no one can deny, is much easier and less physically exhausting. However, what good comes from lounging around doing nothing? I'm not sure if there is anything beneficial. 

Running, yes is tiring, but it does keep you active and productive. It keeps you from wasting time and does your body good - which you can tell because of the other benefits above. :)

One of my favourite quotes that I think is apt here is: 

"Start somewhere today, don't push it off. You can do something, no matter how 'small' you think it is in terms of your long-term goal. Every step you take is one you'll be thankful for when you get there. Remember: you're lapping everyone who's still on the couch."

An old post of mine that you may want to read is: 21 Ways to Boost Productivity
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