Why are you Untrustworthy?

Ever wondered why people don't consider you trustworthy? Why you are always the last to hear any information? Have you considered that it may be because you are viewed as an untrustworthy individual? You may not notice some of your bad habits, but others do and they can have a great impact to how people treat you. So if you are displaying character traits that are untrustworthy then you are likely to be viewed as being untrustworthy.
Here are some things that will cause people not to trust you:

1.You Lie

If you know somebody who is a conscious lier then people are going to be sceptical of whether they are speaking truthfully. Once a person is labelled as someone who lies it becomes a very difficult label to remove. You'll notice people not taking their word for things and asking them the same question a number of times because they don't trust the answer they are giving. The more a person lies the easier it is going to be for that person to lie. 

When I was younger I used to be a prolific lier and would lie about many things no matter how big or small. I even think in some of the cases that I made myself believe some of the. The more I lied however, the more common it became for me to tell them, and as a result got me into more and more trouble. It's not something I'm proud of but is something that I have learnt from and put behind me now (which was harder than I first imagined it would be) and am now literally a different person. Of course I still have many flaws but being a constant lier is now something I don't consider myself. 

If you would like, here's a link to a related post: How to Tell Someone you have Lied.

2. You Gossip

Are you quick to instigate gossip or join in with gossip? If so then this is likely a very good reason why people don't think you are trustworthy. Gossip, whilst you may consider it to be enjoyable and something that you find brings out some really good conversations, is in reality a betrayal of trust and to be brutally honest an act of unkindness. Talking about people behind their back and/or spreading rumours is not exactly  the nicest thing to be doing. As a result of gossip you may fall out with people and your trustworthiness will plummet dramatically - remember that once you betray a persons trust it may never go back to how it was ever again. 

If you would like to read a post that goes more into detail about regaining trust: 6 Means to regain trust.
If you are known for being a gossip then you aren't going to be sought after for personal advice or for someone to confide in, not if you are only going to go spreading it around. I'll give you an example: In my workplace there are a few people who like to gossip, and whilst they are nice enough people who I get along with, I make sure that I am careful with what I tell them and what I say around them simply because I don't want some things publicised throughout my workplace. I don't have anything personal against these people but because of their gossipping it has had an effect on how trustworthy I view them being, and if I see them as this; chances are other people are going to as well.

The thing with gossip is that it is such an easy thing to do - I myself have regrettably engaged in gossip in my past, which never brought about anything good, not anything I can say that I truly benefited from. 
As it is such an easy thing to do and our tongues are sometimes so uncontrollable it is often an easy trap to fall into, but don't let your guard down and always be wary about what you say. I, unfortunately, have learnt this lesson the hard way.

3.You Make-Fun of Others

Are you someone who makes fun of others? Maybe you don't do it nastily and see it as 'banter' which is all well and good but too much of your 'banter' will start to look more like spite and unkindness. Also, the person on the receiving end of your banter will be quicker to withhold things from you. 
If you are seen to be making-fun of others (whilst unfortunately people may join in and laugh) it will be something that others keep in mind when wanting to talk to someone. Will they come to you to entrust some personal information if they can't be sure if you are going to make-fun of them for it? Whilst you may see it as a joke, people won't want to tell you confidential things if they can't tell if you are going to be serious or laugh about it.
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