Will-Power is Key to Success

When we look at people who have been successful in their lives, (whatever you yourself determine successful to be), it's easy to think 'I wish I had a life like theirs' or 'I wish I was in a position like them'. It's very easy to look at someone else's life which has seen or is seeing success in a certain field (or fields) and become discontent with your own. I would urge you not to become discontent with what you have or to become jealous of them, I'll probably go into this some other time, but instead to look at how they have become successful.

There is normally a list of things to do to become successful in a certain area, not a written list but things that people say that you will need to do. For example: If you are wanting to get into better shape and 'tone-up', the things people say that you would need to do are watch what you eat and work out. Those are the two main things that are mentioned - with good reason as without doing them how are you going to make a change to yourself? However, one point that is normally overlooked that I believe should always be included is Will-power.

Will-power, without it, makes all the advice you get given pointless as will-power is the driving force behind your goal(s). When you look at people in the course of history who have achieved landmark goals, all of them will have had one thing in common....and that is a strong will-power. It motivates you to carry on, it is what makes you continue through the hardships and lows of trying to get where you want. If you give up or start to take it easy when really you know that you should be pushing yourself, then your will-power isn't that great. You need to have a lot of it if you are wanting to make changes to your life.

One thing that puts a lot of people off from carrying on with something or trying for something is because of what others say, in particular people saying that you 'can't' achieve what you want. This attitude of others can have a huge impact upon your aspirations but don't let it dishearten you or force you to stop.
I find this one of the strongest ways of motivating myself, not just me but many people find this extremely motivating, and that's because deep down inside you their is a will to prove them wrong and a will to prove to yourself that you can achieve your goals. 
The only thing you can't do is give up, that's what you need to keep telling yourself otherwise the people that have been saying that you can't succeed will be proven right. When people tell me I can't it just spurs me on to continue so I can prove them wrong. 

There are going to be times when motivating yourself is going to be very easy and it takes little to no effort at all for you to get yourself involved in doing. Will power through these easy times isn't going to be pivotal to you as you are going through a stage where self-motivation is easy, it's through the more difficult times when you truly see how motivated you are to achieve your goals. The difficult times, when it feels impossible to motivate yourself and every other thing seems like the right thing to do except for doing what you know you should be, are the times when your will-power is put to the test. How long can you keep soldiering on day after day?, are you mentally prepared? Will-power is key to achieving anything and without it our goals would never be realised. 

Self-doubt can sometimes play in our minds, yeah of course it can, it sometimes can seem like a very long road that we are travelling on and sometimes we lose sight of the end of the road - our destination. Remember though that at some point or other every successful person will have faced self-doubt but they still managed to become successful, not by giving up but by taking the bull by the horns and continuing on - pushing themselves forward and striving onwards.
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