Top 10 Star Wars Spaceships

Whether you love it or hate it, chances are is that you've heard of Star Wars. I don't mind the Star Wars movies, granted there are some 'iffy' ones, but as a whole I'm cool with them.

In terms of the art and design that has gone into creating this sequel is impressive, and some really good concepts and results have come from the franchise.

Before I give this list of top 10 Star Wars spaceships, I must point out that this is a list based upon my own opinion, so I'm sure that there will be some choices that you think should have deserved a place, but haven't appeared here. 

I would have included the Death Star, only that I think that's a space-station and not a spaceship.
Hope you enjoy. :)

1. ARC-170 Starfighter
The ARC-170 Starfighter (short for Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighter) is a pretty cool spaceship.
It's a heavy starfighter/bomber that is used by the clones. 

These ships were used by the the 'goodies', until Emperor Palpatine (spoil-sport that he is) decided to execute order 66 and turn all of the clones bad, therefore these beastly spaceships switched sides as-well.

The ARC possessed six proton torpedoes and wingtip mounted laser cannons. The ship would be crewed by three clones: a pilot, a forward gunner, and a tail gunner. Originally it was referred to as the 'clone fighter' in the script of 'Revenge of The Sith'.

2. Droid Tri-Fighter
Designed to be fast, agile, and deadly, droid tri-fighters are powerful droid spaceships which excel in dogfights.

The droid's three-armed design was based on the skull features of a fearsome predator native to the planet Colla IV. These arms surround the droid's advanced artificial brain, housed in a rotating, gyroscopic core.

They are capable of deploying buzz droids via discord missiles fixed to the underside, and quickly became rival to the ARC-170 starfighter.

I think these are better than their 'cousin' the vulture droid starfighter, I mean look at those menacing eyes on them. If I was in a car and saw these in my rear view mirror, I would definitely freak-out.

3. Sentinel-Class Landing Craft
The Sentinel-Class Landing Craft was used by the galactic empire for carrying troops, small vehicles, and supplies. Sentinel-class landing craft was based on the Lambda-class shuttle, yet both shuttles having seen design origins in the Theta-class shuttle.

I've always liked this ship since seeing it back in the first trilogy and seeing the way the wings folded up and down. Whilst landing I always thought that it looked like a beast.

Its on-board weaponry consisted of: 8 retractable laser cannons, 2 concussion missile launchers,1 retractable ion cannon turret, and 2 retractable repeating blaster cannon turrets.

4. Imperial I-Class Star Destroyer
The Imperial I-Class Star destroyer is one of the main war-ships in Star Wars and is one heck of a titan. During the reign of the galactic empire, the star destroyers were a representation of the might of the Imperial Military power throughout the galaxy. I think I can safely say that they gave that impression.

It is a huge ship and is a mile in length, needing a total of 47,600 crew members to help run it, including officers and crew, and storm trooper complements.

It is packed with some major weaponry: 6 Dual heavy turbolaser turrets, 2 Dual heavy ion cannon turrets, 2 Quad heavy turbolasers, 3 Triple medium turbolasers, 2 medium turboblasters, 60 Taim & Bak XX-9 heavy turbolasers, 60 Borstel NK-7 ion cannons, and 10 Phylon Q7 tractor beam projectors.

If you're thinking right now "I have no idea what any of these are?", don't fret you're not alone... they sound impressive though.

5. Slave I
Slave I is the name of the ship given to infamous bounty hunters Jango Fett and his cloned son Boba Fett. During both of their respective uses of the ship, technologies and weaponries were adjusted to suit them personally.

When stationary it sits flat on its bottom surface, however during flight the ship rotates 90 degrees to manoeuvre vertically.

Jango Fetts weaponry configuration: 2 twin blaster cannons, 2 rapid firing laser cannons, 2 projectile launchers, and 1 minelayer.

Boba Fetts weaponry configuration: 2 Borstel GN-40 twin blaster cannons, 1 Dymek HM-8 concussion missile launcher, 1 Brugiss C/In ion cannon, 2 Arakyd AA/SL proton torpedo launchers, 1 Phylon F1 tractor beam projector, Homing beacon launcher, and 1 minelayer.

6. Naboo Royal Cruiser

The Naboo Royal Cruiser is one of the best looking spaceships on this list, with its smooth, clean, and shiny appearance. It was used by Queen Amidala, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Obi-Wan Kenobi (who at the time was Qui-Gon's padawan,) during the invasion of Naboo. 

The planning and design that went in to coming up with this ship, was to capture the glory of the Naboo royalty.
Although it may not be what comes to mind, but the actual ship design was inspired from 1950s auto-mobile chrome hood ornaments.

7. Invisible Hand

The invisible hand is the flagship of renowned droid villain general grievous, coloured light blue-grey, with subtle yellow bow stripes to make it distinguishable. 'Invisible hand' might be the wrong name for it if they're wanting to make it distinguishable, but maybe that's why its called that? -_-

It makes its appearance in the third film ('Revenge of the Sith') and is split in half and then crash-landed on Coruscant.

Its weaponry is as follows: 2 heavy ion cannons, 14 quad turbolaser cannons, 34 dual laser cannons, 12 point-defence ion cannons, 102 proton torpedo tubes, 8 tractor beam projectiles, and 12 FLAK guns.
8. Eta-2 Actis-Class Light Interceptor
Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor are republic starfighters used commonly by Jedi. For example: Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi in 'Revenge of the Sith'.

They share design similarities with the Republic's Delta-7 and Delta-7B starfighters, as well as the TIE fighters of the later Galactic Empire. I think that they're one of the coolest starfighters, alongside the others on this list.
It is equipped with 2 laser cannons and 2 secondary light ion cannons.

9. Naboo Starfighter

The Naboo Starfighter is one of my favourite spaceships on this list. To me it looks agile, dynamic, fast, and sleek.
It is used by the government of Naboo and makes its grand appearance in the 'Phantom Menace'.
It is armed with twin laser cannons and 2 proton torpedo launchers.
Its design is similar to the Naboo Royal Cruiser but has differences that are noticeable.

10. Millenium Falcon
I had to include the Millenium Falcon as it's probably the most well-known Star Wars Spaceship of the franchise.
The falcon was piloted by duo Han Solo and Chewbacca. I think that it's the ship with the most character, maybe because of its use by popular characters, or maybe its run-down sort of look, I don't know. 

Its armament consists of: 11 Modified Corellian Engineering Corporation AG-2G quad laser cannons, 14 Concealed BlasTech Ax-108 "Ground Buzzer" surface-defense blaster cannons, 15 Arakyd ST2 concussion missile tubes, and landing jets modified as anti-personnel weapons.

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