8 Steps to Reduce T.V Watching

T.V is one of the biggest time wasters in the modern world. Now after saying that, I'm not saying that watching T.V is always bad, we all like to watch something, but as far as statistics are concerned, T.V is definitely a time killer. So wanting to reduce t.v watching can't be a bad thing.

After finishing a program, the first thing the majority of us do, is check what else is one. It's almost as if it's automatic, like its been programmed into us.
We just grab the remote and flick through the channels at leisure. 

I suppose with older t.v's you would at least have to get up and change the channel on the actual piece of equipment. Now in our carved out little seat in the sofa, we can just lounge about. 

Once the program you have been watching has finished, you move onto another one, and then another one, until your whole evening has been consumed.

I used to do this during the daytime right through until the evening, and that did not leave me with a satisfying feeling. I no longer do that and watch no-where near the amount of t.v as I used to do.

This is not a rare problem, it's a very common one. One main reason is that there is a part of us that wants to carry on watching it. If we have a job that needs doing or a commitment we need to fulfil but don't feel like doing it, it's so easy to escape into the t.v for a few hours.

Take a personal survey for a week in which you record the amount of t.v you watch and at what times. Also record what programs you watch. After the week, review what you've done and decide if this was time well spent. 

Look at where you could have done something else, how you could have otherwise spent that time. 
I know most of the stuff I watch I've forgotten about a week later, unless if it's something that really stands out.
Here are some tips to help reduce t.v watching.

1. Limit the time

Allocate an amount of time you can spend watching t.v a day, lets say an hour. This amount of time doesn't have to be at a specific time of the day, but can be at any time, with the rule of only watching it for an hour. 

This will force you to decide what you really want to watch and what you can do without. It will also help towards building your time management skills. 
The only bad thing about this is that you have to be strict with yourself to see an improvement. So a better way, may be to make sure someone else helps to limit the time as-well.  

2. Spend the time wisely

Try starting something you've always wanted to do, for example: start a blog. 
Now you may choose to completely go cold turkey on t.v and take on this blog for the amount of time you usually watch t.v. However, I think a much more manageable thing to do is to reduce your t.v time by 1/2 hour to an hour and spend that time on your new commitment. 

Just doing half an hour a day can help you to see big results, if you want you can read my post about the motivational trick 'don't break the chain'.

3. Cut-down

If you're finding it particularly difficult to stop, then cut down a set amount of time each week, slowly heading towards your goal

So for example: say you watch four hours of t.v a day. For the first week you would make sure you watch 3 and a half hours, then for the second week cut down by another 1/2 hour to 3 hours, and the next week by another half an hour etc. 

This is a more manageable approach for a lot of people, and you can reduce your t.v watching to an hour or less quite easily.

4. T.V-free days

Pick a day in the week, any day will be fine, but preferably a day when you watch t.v. Make that day a t.v-free day, so whenever that day comes around, whether it be rain of sunshine, it is a t.v no-go.

This doesn't have to be limited to just one day of the week, but for multiple days if you're feeling up to it. Maybe try a configuration of watching t.v only every other day of the week.

5. No t.v whilst having dinner

Try to not watch t.v whilst eating your dinner, this is a great time for talking. It can be hard though, if everyone else is insisting on watching it. :)

6. Limit time on certain days

This tip is very similar to tip #1, but revolves around allocating a set amount of t.v time for each day. So you could do something like 1/2 hour every week day and an hour for Saturday and Sunday.

7. Remove your Cable/digital/sky subscription

The amount of channels that are to choose from can mean we can just have an endless day of t.v.  
By unsubscribing to these t.v services, you will cut the amount of channels you have by a heck of an amount. 

This will mean not only will it make finding a program you like harder, but will make it easier to come away from the television set and do something else.

8. Throw your t.v out

The most drastic option and definitely the best if you're cutting the habit of addictive t.v watching, is to just throw the thing out all-together.

At the start you will feel lost, bored, and angry at yourself for making the decision to throw it out, but give it time and you'll most likely be very thankful you did.
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