How to Stay Alert Throughout the Day

I'm sure we've all had those magical days when we feel like we're on top of the world. We seem alert, active, awake, energetic, chatty, throughout the course of the day we seem to have it all.
Then there is the opposite sort of day. The one where things seem dull, you're tired and are not really feeling up to doing anything. In fact, you couldn't be further from alert if you tried.

So why is this? Well, there can be some contributing factors that can effect how alert you may be throughout the day.

Now the most common answer to the question: "how can I stay alert throughout the day", would "drink coffee". Coffee may give you that rush you think your body needs, but it's not natural, and will end with a energy-low. Drinking too much coffee can have negative effects on your body. If you're a coffee addict and you're considering stopping drinking coffee altogether, then you can read this post; How to Give up Coffee.
Here's now my list of things you can do to do to stay alert throughout the day, without the use of caffeine.

1. Eat a Healthy Diet

Your diet is a huge factor to how your body functions, and treating it nice now, will enable it to have a better chance of staying healthy through to old age.
Fruit takes a relatively quick amount of time to digest (around 30 minutes), compared with that of denser foods. This makes them great for your diet, and there consistent energy boost is also great. 
If you want to read in more detail about the benefits of a healthy diet, then click the link.

2. Change your meals from 2-3, to 4-5 a day

Blood glucose levels plays an important role in bodily alertness, as it is directly linked to your energy levels. Digestion of food takes a lot of energy, and so by eating two or three meals a day, will cause your body to have large rises and falls of energy levels. 
This is why splitting up your meals into 4-5 smaller portions will make the process smoother. Eating smaller meals like these are also good for your metabolic rate.

3. Get Enough Sleep

Make sure your body is getting enough sleep. Your body needs this time to recharge and regroup. If you want to read in more detail about sleep, then I'll refer you to these posts: The functions of sleep and how much sleep do we need?

4. Exercise

Exercise is believed to be a good way of getting a steady energy boost and is something you should do if you're wanting to stay more alert. Even just a brisk 10 minute walk will do the trick. The reason why exercising will help keep you alert, is because it pumps oxygen through your veins, brain, and muscles. 
It's this that gives you that refreshed feeling after a nice walk or some hard exercise, and gives your energy levels a rise for a good couple of hours or more.

5. Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking lots of water is essential for your body to function properly and to help maintain it as it ages. Our bodies need at least 2 litres of water a day, but many of us don't consume nearly this amount, mostly due to the fact that we're not really that thirsty. However, whether we're thirsty or not, our bodies still need the fluid. 

A good guideline to go by is the colour of your urine. The darker and stronger smelling it is, the more dehydrated you are. The same is true for the opposite; the clearer your urine is, the more hydrated your body is. Just because your urine is clear though, doesn't mean you can stop drinking for a few hours, your body will need to keep consuming water to keep your urine clear. In the mornings, your urine will be typically darker as your body has been sleeping, not having anything to drink all through the night. 

If you find it difficult to have 2 litres a day, or are wondering what some of the benefits of drinking lots of water are, then here are two posts you may like: 11 tips to drinking more water, and 10 reasons for drinking water.

6. Avoid Afternoon Sugary Snacking

Snacking is a very easy thing to do and can be one key factor to why you may not be very alert. Roughly, by about 15:00, our bodies are low on blood sugar and so, is craving for some energy. This period of time is when a lot of people will snack on sugary treats and the like. While snacking will help make your body feel energetic, it won't last and you'll soon feel the rush fade. Instead, have a healthy snack of fruit or veg
If you have a hard time with snacking, then you can read a previous post of mine: How to Stop Snacking.
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