How to Help Prevent Arthritis

Arthritis is a horribly crippling condition that unfortunately for some, have to live with on a day-to-day basis. As our life goes by, our vulnerability to the condition increases. 
There are though, things we can do to help prevent arthritis when we're old.

Arthritis actually starts when a person is young, it's just not developed enough into joint pain. This is why people in their forties, thirties, and younger should consider trying to put measures in place now, to prevent the joint pain when they're old.
So help yourself help prevent arthritis.

1. Stay Active

Making sure that you stay active is important for both the body and the mind. Walking, swimming, cycling, yoga, and exercise in general, are all great for keeping the body active. 
In particular, swimming, stretching, and flexibility exercises are some of the best things for your joints.

Try to aim for a target of 30 minutes or more each day. It may sound like a lot, but once you get into the routine of exercising, it'll become a lot easier. Also, exercising helps to build muscle, and muscle helps to properly support the body. Your body needs muscles to be stronger rather than weaker, so your body can maintain good posture.

2. Watch your weight 

The more weight your body carries, the more strain and pressure is put onto the joints, bones, and muscles. Wanting to prevent arthritis, putting pressure on your joints is the last thing you want to do, and so losing weight is a good idea. If your body is at it's ideal weight, their is a likelihood that you could reduce the risk of arthritis by up to 50%!

3. Calcium

Make a point about getting more calcium into your diet (unless if you're already consuming enough). Calcium helps to strengthen bones and maintain their strength. Try to have milk, cheese, and other dairy products that are high in calcium. 

4. Quit Smoking

We see all the time about the consequences of smoking and the damage it inflicts to our bodies. Your immune system weakens, and you age faster. Not good for wanting to prevent arthritis.   
Smoking is an incredibly hard thing to stop but is not impossible.

5. Good Posture

Try to get into the habit of practising good posture.  A bad posture can cause strain on your joints, such as your back. If you want some tips about how to improve posture, then you can read my post: How to Improve Posture.

6. Drink lots of water

Water is an essential fluid that everybody needs. It helps with the lubrication of the joints and can help with point #2, as it promotes weight loss. If you would like to read more about the reasons behind drinking lots of water, then I'll refer you to this post: 10 Reasons for Drinking Water.

7.  Stay in the know

Try to stay informed about health news. Often, they'll have some new breakthrough or piece of advice about something that could really be of use. Read from reputable doctors and experts. You don't need to spend hours a day doing this, but just try to have an idea about what's going on in the medical/health industry.

8. Don't carry excessive weight

Carrying excessive weight is not good for your joints, as this puts unnecessary strain on them. Try carrying/lifting a comfortable amount of weight, this will differ from person to person. Also, when picking something up that is off of the floor, get into the habit of bending your knees, as this will reduce strain on your back.

9. Eat fruit and vegetables

Eating fruits and vegetables is very beneficial for your health. They contain many different nutrients and vitamins that your body desperately needs. These nutrients and vitamins in turn, will be able to help your body fight against illnesses and diseases with more ease. Studies suggest that citrus fruit juice helps with preventing arthritis

10. Reduce repetition

Repetitive strain on your joints is not good. Try to become more aware of any regular strain you may be experiencing from work, hobbies, or activities. Try to reduce the time spent doing them if it gets worse, but you should see a physician for the best advice. 
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