In 10 Years Time

10 years is a both a long time and a short time. Short because that time will definitely pass, and when compared to the average life-span (let alone the timescale of history), isn't really the longest of times. However, 10 years is long because it can see massive changes to your life, some for the better and some for the worst.

This isn't going to be the longest of posts but I wanted to share some of my thoughts since my last post: Where is your Life Heading? In which I asked "what do you want to be doing in 10 years time". If you asked people this, the common result would be that they would want their life to have improved. This is of course is the answer that is expected as the question is asked to help motivate you to work towards a goal.

In the first paragraph of this post I mentioned that in the timescale of history 10 years isn't all that big. When you think about 10 years on an even greater timescale, that of eternity, those 10 years just become a mere blip that will come and go. In fact on the timescale of eternity even our lives are mere blips.
Although I will quickly say that although our lives will come and go, you definitely shouldn't waste valuable time, in fact it's even more of a reason to make every second count. For example: using your life to glorify God. 

It wouldn't be a bad idea to set yourself a goal. Obviously it would have to be quite a big goal for you to see the results in 10 years time but having one would be a great thing to do. If you want to read more into why having a goal is good, I'll direct you here: Why you need a goal.

If you saw a future version of yourself who happened to be 10 years older than you are now, what would you ask them? There are so many questions that you could ask, some of which you will want to know the answer to more than others. "Are you going to be doing the same thing as you are now?" "Are you going to know the same people as you do now?" "Will you still be the same person as you are now?" "Are you still going to be living where you are now?"
"Where will those close to you at the moment (family and friends) be in 10 years?" "What new people may have come into your life?" "What new technology will have come about by then?"

It's strange to think that there could be people out in the world now that you have no idea about, yet in the future you may meet and have a big influence on each others lives...who knows?

Whatever you think is going to happen in 10 years or want to happen in 10 years, we all know that none of us can know for certain what the future holds. The next 10 years could turn out to be brilliant and on the other-hand they could turn out to full of disaster. Whatever is going to happen in the next 10 years will come around in time. One thing that I personally hope for in the next 10 years is to somehow be a good influence on somebodies life, or do something that will have an impact of someone's life for the better.

It would be naïve to believe that these 10 years aren't going to hold challenges for us to tackle because we all know that they will. How we deal with these expected challenges will differ between different people, but one thing that we can know is that other people will be facing challenges when you are too.

Time is a strange thing but whether we like it or not is always going to pass. Your future is inevitable and none of us can escape from the ticking hands of the clock. So the 10 years that may seem like a long way off now, will get here. Year by year, week by week, day by day, minute by minute, those 10 years are coming closer and closer. 

"It is always wise to look ahead, but difficult to look further than you can see."
Winston Churchill

"Lost time is never found again."
Benjamin Franklin

"The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is."
C. S. Lewis
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