I've Been Locked in my House

I don't usually write a post concerning my daily life but when I sat down at my laptop today to write something, this was on the forefront of my mind and so for a change I thought I'd write about it.

I got up at 07:50 or somewhere around that time, which isn't particularly earl,y and went about my morning business of getting ready. I would have liked to have gotten up earlier because I love the early mornings and feel much more productive at this time of the day, but unfortunately I went to bed late last night and I'm trying to ensure that I get enough sleep - so after 07:00 it had to be.

Once up, I made my way downstairs where I was like usual greeted by our dog, who just continuously drops hints that she wants to be fed. I'll normally have my breakfast before I feed her though but on a Wednesday, like it is today, it's rubbish day. So instead of having breakfast when I come down, I'll get dressed and put the rubbish out. Each week the rubbish rotates between recyclable and normal household waste. This week was the turn of the recyclable rubbish. So I did what I normally do on a Wednesday and go to get the rubbish, we don't have a side walk so I have to take it to our front door and let myself out to the front that way.
However once there, disaster! My house key was gone!

I'm the only person at home at this point and so my key is the only one on hand. I didn't panic when I couldn't see my key I just felt a little confused before I started to search. By our front door is a small thin, tall table where we leave our keys, and that of course was empty so obviously my key wasn't there. I looked underneath the table where our phone wires are to see if it had fallen or been knocked from the table to underneath...nothing.
Having not found my key in any of those two places I could then be assured that it was not in the house. It may sound like a really bad search but that is the only one place where I leave my key, without fail, on the table. If it isn't on there and it isn't underneath the table then it won't be anywhere else in the house. I know that no-one else in the house wouldn't have had reason to move it as they all have their own keys and know that I leave the house each day, so I can discount that.

There's only two conclusions that I can come up with. The first is that my key has been knocked off into a bag that has been taken out of the house. My mum is a teacher and has her books in large Morrison's bags which are left right next to the table, so if my key was knocked off then it is a very great possibility that it fell into one of them, and if so she won't be back until roughly 18:00.
The second conclusion is that another family member has taken it because they have misplaced their own. I don't really consider this one as much as the first, but it is something that a particular family member would do, so we'll see.

I went and placed the rubbish back into the garage and had to change my plans. I also go to the gym in the mornings so I couldn't do that either. Last night I thought I would treat myself to a Terry's chocolate orange and bought the original and white chocolate version. I had and shared the original one last night and placed the white chocolate one in the fridge. As I couldn't find my key and was feeling a little annoyed I decided to throw caution to the wind and have the white chocolate orange, but when I went to the fridge to retrieve it....it was gone! That's two things missing. I was really looking forward to it too. :(  I have a good idea who it was so I'll interrogate them later.

For the time being though I'll just have to wait until someone comes home. Our dog doesn't seem to be too understanding as she's giving me the evils for not taking her out...

I felt a post like this would provide a bit of a change to my usual content and was also a little refreshing to be writing something different, you may not want to have read about my trivial happenings in life and I apologise if that is the case, but if you do want me to do more posts like this then let me know.  Either way I'm not fussed.
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