No T.V Challenge

Are you an avid watcher of television? Do you find it hard to go a day or two without having to glue your eyes back to the screen? Can you live without T.V?
Many of you who have come here to read this will be thinking, 'nope that's not me, I can go without t.v for more than a couple of days, and yes I could manage without it'. Well if you are one of the people who could live without television, good for you (that's not meant as sarcasm ). It's surprising though how much we do watch t.v and how 'addicted' we might actually be. It often makes me smile when I hear people say (not very often granted) "I haven't watched t.v for ages" and in reality it was four or five days ago when they last watched it. It is kind of sad as well that 'ages' for many people when it comes to t.v is only the space of a few days.

I thought then, it would be an interesting idea to write an article challenging people not to watch t.v for two months - this is quite a good indication to yourself if you are addicted or not. I was originally going to make this challenge for 2 weeks but really two weeks isn't going to have that big of an impact, but two months will. Now two months when you think about it is quite a duration to go without something if you are used to having access to.
If you are somebody who watches t.v regularly but are confident that you could last without t.v for 2 months, you may be surprised at how challenging this may be. The first couple of weeks are normally the hardest as you are trying to get into a new rhythm, but after third week it's likely that you will have got yourself into a new routine.

Rules to the challenge:
  1. You can't watch t.v for two months, not even for five minutes - if you do so them you have failed the challenge.
  2. You can't watch it when others are watching it and then make the excuse that it was others watching it and you was just in the room, for example family members - this still counts as you watching it.  
  3. You may not use other devices (such as smart phones or computers for example) to watch television shows, however, you may use other devices to see what the weather is and what news has been happening, as long as you make sure that you are getting it from a source that does not involve you watching a screen.
If you manage to complete this challenge, well done. :)
You may decide to carry on not watching t.v or reduce on the amount you used to watch, or go back to how you was before and watch it on a regular basis, whatever you choose it's interesting to note how much a screen with images can consume so much of our time.
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