How to take Advice

Is advice really that hard to take from others? Does it make you any less of a person because you are taking the advice of others? Now this may seem like a trivial topic, and I suppose in a sense it is. However, there are people who don't like to take advice from others when they do need it, or where the advice could of been of much needed help. Some of you reading this will not like taking advice from others, but sometimes we need advice. Sometimes we are faced with a situation that we don't know how to handle effectively and where the advice of others will be much needed.
This post will go through some points to consider that will, hopefully, make it easier for you to accept the advice of others.

1. What are they saying

Take the time to think about what they are saying. Don't dismiss it straight away because you are not in the mood for someone to be giving you advice, what are they actually saying? Does the advice they are giving make sense? or is it a load of rubbish? Sometimes this can be decided very quickly but often having some time to think about what they have said can prove best.

Sometimes we think that when another person is not as involved in a situation, like we might be for example, we feel their advice is inadequate as they don't know enough about the situation and so can't make a valid contribution. In certain situations, yes this is true. In a lot of situations however, this is not true. This is just an excuse for not taking on board another persons advice. Yes you may need to bring them up to speed with what's going on, but they may have some legitimate advice that you (and team possibly) have missed.

2. Let go of your Pride

Some people will not like to accept advice no matter what the circumstance because of one thing...pride. I discussed this in one of my other posts (How to Handle Criticism) and it seems like pride really can be a hindrance. What is wrong with accepting advice? Does it make us any less of a person, and the other person more superior? Does it make you seem weak? it doesn't. The only thing that will get hurt is our ego if we have one, so put it to one side and take the advice on board.

Sometimes this is more true for people who are in senior positions in the workplace, not always but you do see it. They will hear the advice from those in positions below theirs but will not take them simply down to pride, even if they don't like to admit it. Sometimes they won't take the advice full stop, which is a shame. Of course like I mentioned, this isn't true for everyone in a senior position.
It can also be true the other way around, for people in lower positions, when taking advice from those in senior positions. They feel like they are being talked down to in a way or patronised or belittled, but this is normally pride that is in place. I'll mention it again though, this is not true for everyone.

3. Don't Dismiss because of Dislike

Unfortunately there are some people in this world who we don't really get along with, and maybe some of you reading this have a dislike for a person?, which I hope not but it's not uncommon. This dislike for a person can cloud our vision when it come to matters of advice, because we don't like the person we don't like the advice. Don't, however, knock the advice they may give due to emotional interferences. Think with a cool head and bring in point #1, think about what they are saying. When you think about it the advice they are giving might actually make very good sense and may be the best option in the current circumstance.

This is common to do, when we're not fond of someone we automatically dismiss their ideas as being the 'wrong choice' just on the basis that we hold something against them. A person who takes all advice on board (even from those he/she dislike) and considers all of them is often going to be able to come out the other side of the task in hand in the best predicament.

4. They want to Help

A very obvious reason why people may give you advice is simply down to the fact that they want to help you. They see that you're in a bit of a predicament and they would like to give you their view in trying to get the best from the situation. Don't put up your walls and convince yourself that they only want to see you fail, and that the advice that they are giving you is only something to try and hold you back. Don't get me wrong, sadly there are people who will try and do this, but on the whole people who give you advice is because they want to help - keep this in mind. 

5. It can't Hurt

Advice from someone else will give you another person's perspective on the situation, and whether their view is similar or different to yours, it can only be a good thing to get another person's perspective, and who knows, maybe they've thought of something that you have missed?
You may think "no, I haven't missed anything", but, some people have a very unique and offbeat view of the world that helps them to come up with things that nobody else will have thought - and sometimes you need people like this.


Remember that advice is just advice and isn't the law set in stone, it's fully up to you whether you decide to take it or not. Don't let your current feelings for a person affect your decision making by not taking their advice, of course if their advice isn't the best option then don't go for it but if it is don't ignore it. Nobody will think less of you as a person for taking advice, in fact some people will have a greater amount of respect for you for asking their advice. I'm not saying that every situation you are in requires you to ask for advice, but when a situation does occur and you could be doing things more efficiently and you are in a position to ask for advice - do it.

"The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on"
Oscar Wilde
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