How to be Less Clumsy

I think in a sense we are all clumsy to a degree, tripping over or dropping things, but some people seem to take clumsiness to a whole new level.
Clumsiness in general is not an illness or disease but more of an impracticality - however, you will never be able to prevent yourself from doing another clumsy thing again because those moments do occur, but for those of you who are particularly clumsy, here are some things you could do to help be less clumsy.
Also if you are in adolescence then your body is still growing and you may still be adjusting to the changes your body is going through, and this may be why you are clumsy.

1. Take Note of your Surroundings

It may sound a little patronising for me to be saying "watch what you are doing" but this really may be the case. Some clumsy people are in a world of their own, which is nothing bad, but it can result in clumsy behaviour as they're to drawn into what they're thinking that they don't notice what is going on around them...cue bull in a china shop.

2. Don't Rush so Much

A common reason why people are clumsy is because they don't take enough time to do things and rush them. This is particularly true for busy people who have an awful lot of things to do in a seemingly very small amount of time. When we rush though, we are bound to make mistakes.
When a person is taking a test, you can be rest assured that you will hear the term "take your time". The reason being obvious...because they don't want  that person to rush and make a clumsy mistake.
If we could perform tasks at an optimum level whilst at the same time maintaining a high speed, great, but on the whole we can't and need to realise this. 

3. Sight Problems

Just because you are clumsy does not mean that you have a sight problem, however having said that, it also does not mean that you don't have a sight problem. The best thing to do to see if this is true is to have an eye test with an optician. Once there you will be able to know if you have a sight problem or not. If you do, then chances are that this will have been contributing towards your clumsiness, if not the cause of it. If you do not, then you can be sure that your clumsiness doesn't stem from this. 

4. Try Balancing Exercises

Some clumsy people struggle with  being able to balance properly and this can really affect clumsiness. This doesn't mean that people with a balancing problem will walk around like they are on a constant tightrope, but losing balance whilst doing day to day things could be an indication.
Balancing exercises can help with developing proper pressure and force in many different positions, and forces you to hold that said position for an extended period of time - something that will help balance, hence why they are called balancing exercises.

More serious balancing problems however, I would recommend that you see a specialist who will have an insightful amount of knowledge regarding this area, as well as knowing what is the best option to take.

5. De-Stress

Sometimes knowing that we are clumsy can actually make us more anxious, and then this anxiety causes us to be more clumsy. You get yourself worked up over not wanting to make a clumsy mistake, to do something that is unacceptable. Sometimes this anxiety/stress actually causes us to make mistakes because we are flustered and/or so focused on what will happen if you make a mistake, hindering us sometimes from noticing everything (point #1) and possibly meaning that we do something clumsy.
A post of mine about stress that you may find useful if you do deal with stress regularly is: The Common Causes of Stress and how to Deal with it.

I've had experiences when I was younger of spilling drinks in other people's homes, because of this I always become a little anxious when having a drink in a person's house.
The experience that sticks out in my mind the most is when I was at my friend's house playing a multi-player game on his brand-new computer. I can't remember the game but it required us to both use the key board. We both had a drink of coke each which ,'of course', were placed next to me. Before I knew it I had knocked both drinks all over this new computer and all down the back of friend was not impressed. Luckily once we had cleaned it up the computer was still absolutely fine. This incident, along with some others, is what has made me anxious whenever I am in this situation - which is quite often.


Clumsiness is not something to be too worried about, if it is all that is going wrong in your life then you could be in a much worse situation.
After reading this, you may start to think you are more clumsy than you are because you start to take note when you do do something clumsy. Don't forget that we will all have moments when we are clumsy but it shouldn't be the cause for alarm - it's normal. If you are someone who is particularly clumsy though, and is worried about it then I hope that these tips will help to you become less clumsy. :)

"I'm not clumsy, I'm just accident prone."
Daniel Radcliffe
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