30 Day Walking Challenge

In general as we get older we in turn start to do less and less exercise. As kids we are always wanting to be active and mobile but this wears off for many as we get older and other things take over as our commitments, leaving you not wanting to exercise or without enough time to do so.
People aged from 19 - 65 are advised to do two and a half hours of moderate exercise a week (walking for example), or 1 and a quarter hours of intense exercise (running for example) a week. 
With this walking challenge you'll be doing over double your advised exercise guideline.


1. You Must Complete the Daily Goal

This may seem like a very obvious rule as otherwise you fail the challenge if you don't complete the walking goals, however I feel like I should just make it clear that no exceptions can be made. If you are supposed to walk for 1 hour during the day and you walk for 59 minutes, although it may be tempting to allow yourself that, you shouldn't. 59 Minutes is not 1 hour and anything that is lower than an hour in length would mean failure if the challenge. 

The daily goal is a minimum set limit so anything that is lower than the minimum set goal is a fail, however, you may walk more than the daily walking plan if you so choose.

2. You Can't Split Walks up

You must walk the daily walking goal in one-go and may not split it up into segments. For example: If you are to have a goal to walk an hour in a day then you must complete this in one walk, you may not be allowed to split it up into (let's say for this example) 2 half-an-hour walks.

3. Walking Plan Choice

There is a choice from two walking plans. The first is a walking plan based upon a minimum set time you must walk for, the second is based upon a minimum set distance you must walk. Once the plan is chosen you cannot switch and must stick with that plan.

4. Ignore the Weather

You must carry this challenge out in whatever weather, so if it is pouring with rain so be it. Make sure suitable clothing is worn dependent upon the weather.

Walking Plan (Time)

Day 1: 1 Hour

Day 2: 1 Hour

Day 3: 1 Hour

Day 4: 1 Hour

Day 5: 1 Hour

Day 6: 1 Hour

Day 7: Rest

Day 8: 1 Hour

Day 9: 1 Hour

Day 10: 1 Hour

Day 11: 1 Hour

Day 12: 1 Hour

Day 13: 1 Hour

Day 14: Rest

Day 15: 1 Hour

Day 16: 1 Hour

Day 17: 1 Hour

Day 18: 1 Hour

Day 19: 1 Hour

Day 20: 1 Hour

Day 21: Rest

Day 22: 1 Hour

Day 23: 1 Hour

Day 24: 1 Hour

Day 25: 1 Hour

Day 26: 1 Hour

Day 27: 1 Hour

Day 28: Rest

Day 29: 1 Hour 30 Minutes

Day 30: 1 Hour 30 Minutes

Walking Plan (Distance)

Day 1: 4 Miles

Day 2: 4 Miles

Day 3: 4 Miles

Day 4: 4 Miles

Day 5: 4 Miles

Day 6: 4 Miles

Day 7: Rest

Day 8: 4 Miles

Day 9: 4 Miles

Day 10: 4 Miles

Day 11: 4 Miles

Day 12: 4 Miles

Day 13: 4 Miles

Day 14: Rest

Day 15: 4 Miles

Day 16: 4 Miles

Day 17: 4 Miles

Day 18: 4 Miles

Day 19: 4 Miles

Day 20: 4 Miles

Day 21: Rest

Day 22: 4 Miles

Day 23: 4 Miles

Day 24: 4 Miles

Day 25: 4 Miles

Day 26: 4 Miles

Day 27: 4 Miles

Day 28: Rest

Day 29: 6 Miles

Day 30: 6 Miles
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