How to Improve General Knowledge

Do you ever wonder how certain people can be so good at general knowledge? They seem to have such a vast knowledge on a majority of topics and appear to be able to answer any question you or anyone else throw their way.
Wonder how they obtain that sort of knowledge? Want to improve your general knowledge? Well here's some ways in which you can. 

1. Read 

One of the best ways you can get a broader knowledge upon topics is through  immersing yourself in reading material. Reading is brilliant for gaining knowledge about things you will never experience first-hand or don't have the time to go and see, it's a source of knowledge that is often described in detail. Books, magazines, websites, newspapers, and the like, can all be used to gain a wider general knowledge. The more you read the more you will come to know. Then when a certain topic comes up that you have read about, something will trigger your mind to be able to remember key bits of information.

2. Study and Summarise 

Pick out a certain topic that you would like to study and gather the 'key information' from it. You only want to remember the key points of a topic (unless if you are going to go into real detail) as general knowledge is made up of many topics and it would take too long to go into every topic in huge detail. So when reading up on a certain topic make sure you are also taking note of the main points.

3. Mind Maps

Mind maps when laid out in the right way are brilliant at summarising key information whilst at the same time making it easy to read and remember. Make the mind maps colourful, use curved lines instead of straight, include pictures, and keep points brief. The more your mind map stands out the easier it will be for you to remember it. For a better idea about how to use a mind map, type in 'Tony Buzan mind map' on Youtube. 

4. Media

Media is another thing that offers much information. Whether it be the news, newspapers, media websites, social networking sites, etc. However these are constantly being updated with new stories so make sure you also keep up to date also.
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