Blogging: A Love/Hate Relationship

It's hard to believe that I've been running this blog for just over a year and a half now and I have now written just over 200 different posts! In one respect it doesn't feel nearly as long as that and still feels very new to me, yet on the other hand feels like I've been doing it a lot longer than a year and a half...strange I know but I'm sure a lot of you will sort of understand where I'm coming from.

Since starting this blog I have to say in all honesty that until recently having this blog has been a bit of a love/hate relationship. Let me elaborate for you. I myself love to blog and love the satisfaction that is gained through completing and submitting another blog-post to the web. I love the fact that other people from around the world pertaining to very different lifestyles to my own can read my personally-written articles and can interact with me through the comment-box or through emailing me in the 'contact' tab at the top.
And of course I have loved every minute of seeing my blog grow and develop, and seeing the amount of people who visit this blog increase in number dramatically. This is what I love about blogging and is what motivates me to continue.

The 'hate' part of the relationship is slightly harder to convey because whilst I love to blog...I also have hated it in the past. It sounds weird I know but in the past my blog has felt as if it's looming over me 24/7. I would feel as if I NEEDED to always be posting articles on my blog and If I didn't I would feel like I was letting myself, the blog, and more importantly you the readers down. :( It just felt like a constant pressure in my life and all it was meant to be was a hobby and a means of expressing myself through writing, but it turned into more of a commitment that I had to fit into my schedule. As a result of feeling this my blog suffered and have always been inconsistent with my blog posting.
Don't get me wrong there were times when I never felt this and I could write for hours but there were also the times where I dreaded to go near the computer. 

As of quite recently this has all changed and is back to being how it was right at the beginning...a hobby. Something that I enjoy to do. I can't imagine not having my blog now, it would seem strange to not have it included in my life. 
I have recently made a commitment to submitting a blog post every Monday and Thursday but to be honest it doesn't feel like a commitment, just a means of carrying on with one of my loves and allowing you the readers to know when to expect something. :) 
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