Blog Update

This is only going to be a quick update regarding my articles on this blog. 

Since starting this blog I've never been happy with my consistency of publishing articles onto this site and have never set in place actual dates where you the readers can expect to see a blog post. As of recent this inconsistency has become even worse and I really feel like I need to do something about it. My schedule has become a lot busier than it used to be with other commitments, but yet still I feel as if I could be...let me rephrase - 'should be'  providing a better more consistent service than what is being offered at the moment. 

As I am a big promoter of consistency it seems a little hypocritical of me to be not offering a consistent service on Smart Blog. Therefore with this in mind I am going to now be submitting a blog post every Monday and Thursday, 52 weeks of the year, and am going to do my best to try and uphold this goal. :)
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