Choosing the Right Chrsitmas Gift

We're coming near to the end of 2012 and it's another year that has yet again flown by at an astonishing rate. Of course now we're at this stage in the year Christmas is now facing us and with it comes the dreaded (well not for some) Christmas-shopping. 

Some people are great at Christmas shopping and manage to do it all way before Christmas comes along, in fact, I'm sure those people have done it by now (maybe there's some who are reading this post), and then there are others that aren't as good at Christmas shopping (I fall into this category). 

For me personally my problem is not leaving it until the last minute but instead with trying to find the right gift for someone. And it's not just me who has this problem of finding what to get someone as many go through this same experience. So I thought as Christmas is close to arriving I would write a post including some tips to help choose the right Christmas gift for someone. 

1. Get something that they're into 

This seems like common sense but many of us still ignore it or have done in the past. If you choose a gift and it has nothing to do with what that person likes - don't get it...simple. 
For example: If you're buying a present for someone who hates sport and never likes to immerse him/herself into the sporting world, don't go and buy them something like a football or a rugby-ball. Instead get them something they're more likely to appreciate.

2. Ask them what their interests are

If you already know the persons interests then ignore this tip but if not then read on. After deciding to get them something that is of interest to them you next need to find out what these interests are so you will at least know what sort of area to search in, and that at least will narrow it down a bit. 

3. Watch out for hints

Sometimes people will drop hints (normally this is family or partners who do this) so watch out for them. If you hear this person mentioning about something that they want or mentioning a particular thing on more than one occasion, it may be hint. It may be something as subtle as "so what do you think of this" and if you know that this person knows that you would never want this thing, then it could be a little hint for what they want. 

4. Ask them what they want

Even though most people will not tell you what they want as they would feel rude, there are some people who will answer your question with an honest answer. I like it when a person just flat out tells me what they want as I know exactly what to get them...unless it is too expensive in which case I don't like it. :) 
On the other hand it also ruins the element of surprise.

5. Be Observant

When buying someone a gift (or in this case planning to buy a gift) it's useful for you to use your observational skills. Maybe this person's shoes have seen better days or maybe they've always given compliments about something that you own? Being observant can often be the difference between buying a good gift instead of a not so good one, however it is always nice of someone to give, whatever the gift - unless it's meant in an offensive fashion. 


I'm sure that whoever it is you are buying a Christmas gift for will be grateful for whatever it is that you do decide to buy them and hopefully with these tips it will be something good. :)
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