Benefits of Sharing

Sharing is seen as an act of kindness, something that is seen as a morally good thing to do. We're taught whilst growing up from an early age that sharing is something that is not only good for us and others but is something that we 'should' do.

When we're in our younger years many of us found it easier to share than we do now being older. Whether this is because as children we're naturally more easy-going or maybe because now we're older and have more expenses, we have a clearer knowledge of the value of things. Whatever the reason we can all go through stages of not sharing because in all honesty we don't want to share.
Sharing though is a good thing and is something that I definitely feel we should incorporate into our lives. Here's some benefits why.

1. People will share back

Through sharing with someone the most common benefit that is going to occur comes in the form of that person/those people sharing back. Say, for example, that a friend is going to buy some lunch but has forgotten there money so you decide to share and lend them some money for lunch, this friend (it doesn't have to be a friend) will more than likely share with you in the future in return for what you have just done.
It's always the case, people who share with others will often find that these same people will share back in return for their kindness.

2. People will take more of a liking towards you

Sharing with others will not only see people sharing back with you but will also see other people taking more of an liking towards you a bit more. This is because the person will feel that you respect them enough or value them enough to share with them, so because of your kindness people will start to see you in more of a favourable light.

Now I'm not saying that sharing with people will mean that they're going to suddenly like you, no, I'm not saying either that people are going to suddenly want to become friends with you, what I am saying is that people will often take a better view of you because of the sharing you have displayed. This isn't to say that friendships can't stem from your act of kindness because they can.

3. Leaves you feeling happier

When you share with someone and see that they are grateful for your act of kindness - it will give you a warm feeling of happiness, down to purely the fact that you can see that you have helped them out. It's a simple self-satisfying experience to see that you can help others out, it just leaves you feeling in a better mood.

4. People will feel more comfortable around you

Often through the simple act of sharing a opening can occur that develops into a conversation just simply because there will be a sort of middle ground now between you, you for sharing and them for borrowing. Conversations of course won't always occur just because you shared something, however, that person/those people will feel a little more comfortable being around you because they will feel more accepted by you because of your act of sharing with them.

5. Builds trust

Whenever someone shares something with another individual or group, whatever it is, there is an element of trust involved. A very basic example is borrowing a pen from someone - they are trusting that you will give it back and you are trusting that you will be a able to borrow from them again in the future. From these experiences of sharing, is one of the ways to develop trust.
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