The Benefits of Calmness

I've recently done a post about 'how to deal with anger', and I explained some things that can be done to help with overcoming anger. So for this post, I've decided to come at it from the opposite angle and write about the benefits of calmness
When we're angry we can make some stupid decisions. Remaining calm however, can have some really good positive effects on our lives.

We all become stressed at some points in our lives, whether that's regularly or not so regularly - it does happen. 
We have a lot of things in our lives that can be demanding; finance, family, work etc., and so calmness is not really something we that's on our mind or what we can enjoy. 

Having said that though, we only become stressed if we let ourselves become stressed, granted there are times when we need to be stressed, but as a whole we don't. Try to relax, unwind, and calm-down.

1. Keeps the Mind Healthy

Being calm may actually have a positive impact on health issues to do with our minds. The chance of developing dementia is believed to be reduced by 50% in later life as a result of calmness, and a reduced risk of acquiring neurological illnesses in old age.

2. Prevention

Having to much stress can cause you to get panic attacks, nervous breakdowns, depression, headaches, stomach aches, digestive disorders that may manifest into more serious situations such as high blood pressure, heart attacks, stroke and damage to the immune system. If this is what too much stress can do to you, then it would only seem logical that calmness would help prevent these.

3. Clear Thinking

When angry, we can't think as-well as usual and can do and say stupid things. Having the ability to remain calm not only allows you to think and discern things more accurately, but it also allows you to reason, debate, and view things from different standpoints in a clearer light.

4. Better Self-Control

Of course you can still do bad things whilst remaining calm, which could still be because of a lack of self-control. But in terms of controlling your anger, things are a lot easier and you don't have to worry about losing your temper in different circumstances.

5. Influence on Others

If you're a stressful and/or angry person, then you'll be having a negative effect on those around you. The atmosphere won't be as light and the all-round mood won't be pleasant. You'll be slowly pushing people away.
Even if we don't realise it, everything we do has an effect and influence, and can heavily impact upon someones life.
So being calm will have an effect on others, slowly over time. People may even start to notice it, and like being around you.
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