No Snacking Challenge Day 7

It's the end of my first week (day 7) into my no snacking challenge, and since my last update about this, on day 2, things have gotten harder.
The first two days of this challenge, although were testing in their own rights, didn't have the level of difficulty that was expected. Since then however, things have become harder.

No snacking, although sounding like an easy thing to do, does take determination if you're in the habit of snacking. A lot of us snack, so we know what it's like to stop. Sure, we may go a day or two without snacking not thinking twice about it. That's the thing though, when we're not thinking about snacking, of course it's a lot easier. With a set goal however of stopping snacking, things become different.

Having this particular goal of no snacking forces you to think about food. It forces you to make a conscious effort to avoid excessive eating, and eating between meals, and when you're constantly thinking about not snacking, it draws you closer to it.

This is why from day 3 up to present, it has become harder, because I can't eat when I want or what I want.
After saying all of this however, it may have come across that I'm resentful towards this goal. This isn't at all true, in fact I'm feeling a lot better for doing it. I think it's brilliant that I'm able to have the willpower to stop myself from snacking, true there has been occasions where it has become so close to just throwing the towel in and helping myself to whatever, but I'm glad I haven't.

Before starting this effort to stop snacking, it's surprising how many situations you're faced with to make the decision not to snack. For example: just walking past your kitchen, or in-and-out of it. Although this sounds simple, if you're a glutton for snacking, it can prove difficult to stop yourself taking another biscuit or packet of crisps or whatever is available.

A second example would be when you see someone else eating something and they offer you a bit to eat. It's easy to turn them down if they're eating something that you don't like, but if they've got something tasty and you're hungry, things can get tempting.

So far I'm still going okay. I'm not too sure when things are going to get easier, but I'm not expecting this second week to suddenly become manageable. Maybe give it until the second half of the third week, beginning of fourth week. :)
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