How to Stop Smoking

Smoking is not an easy thing to quit, if it were, there wouldn't be the amount of 'quit smoking' courses and advertisements there is. 
It is hard, but is not impossible, fully possible with the right level of commitment, determination, and self-discipline.

When preparing yourself to stop smoking, there are some key factors that you will need to make a decision about and deal with. These are;
  • Why are you quitting (for health, for religious reasons, for financial reasons, for friends and family, etc)
  • Making the choice to quit, and the day you are going to officially decide to stop smoking
  • Dealing with withdrawal symptoms and emotional reactions
  • Maintaining your new no-smoking lifestyle.
Having a reason to quit is an important one, it's no good trying to quit without a reason. Having a reason will provide you with motivation that you will need to keep in mind whilst fighting the urge to smoke.
You will also need to pick a day to stop. Picking a date sooner rather than later is better, as picking a date too far away will allow you to change your mind. Deciding to stop today is the best thing to do.

Also keep a record of the date you did decide to stop, this will let you know how far you've come. It will allow you to put your new goal into perspective. I know when I'm trying to stop something, it always feels longer than it has actually been.

The list that I've put together below will be easy in some aspects and hard in a lot of others. Instead of seeing them as tips, see them more as rules that you are going to live your life by in order to quit and maintain being quit.

1. Admit you have an addiction

Like with any addiction, the only person who can really stop you from feeding the addiction is yourself. You can go to all the no-smoking meetings and sessions you want, but if you don't recognise that you have an addiction, your mindset won't have changed, and the determination to stop won't be any use because it wont be there.

2.Get rid of anything to do with smoking

You are going to be dealing with temptation on a daily basis, so you will want to make this as easy as possible for yourself. Get rid of anything to do with smoking. These include; ash trays, old cigarette packets, existing cigarettes, etc. Don't just do it inside your home but also anywhere else where these items could be; car and work.

3. Attend a no-smoking class

While it is certainly in the realm of the possible to stop smoking on your own, stopping with others is an easier thing to do. You will get the encouragement you need, not to mention motivation and help to stop.

4. Ask people who smoke to be helpful

If you know a lot of people who smoke, tell them that you're quitting. Ask them if they could not smoke near you, it's quite easy to get a cigarette off of a friend who's not quitting themselves, so don't let yourself get into that position.

5. No rationalism

Whatever you do, do not let yourself listen to the part of you that is trying to rationalise that it's okay to have a smoke - it's not. 
It's easy to listen to this part of you, and even easier to ruin the work you've done so far, because as soon as that one cigarette, that one puff has been taken, you'll be back at square one.
Some of these rationalism's may sound like this:
  • "One wont hurt"
  • "I've had a tough day, I'll quit tomorrow."
  • "You've got to die of something"
  • "My aunt smoked every day of her life, and lived to be 85"
Feel free to use any of these excuses, or maybe one that is suited more for your situation. The bottom line is however, you will not be able to stop whilst you are making these excuses, you're only hurting yourself.

6. Keep active

Staying active is a great way to keep your mind off of smoking and is great for your mind. Being active can help fight boredom, which might have been a reason to smoke before. 
It also gives your hands something else to do besides hold a cigarette.
Staying active could be in the form of completing jobs that need finishing, or just simply exercising.

7. Substitute the cigarette

When quitting, you'll find that you will have an urge to put something in your mouth. Try having some sugarless chewing-gum or fruits and vegetables. The gum will allow your mouth to have something, and the fruit and veg are good for helping as-well, and they provide a healthy snack.

8. Reward yourself

Depending on how many cigarettes you smoke, will determine how much money you save. Every day, put the money you save into a jar and then at the end of the week reward yourself with something. Not a cigarette. Maybe buy a book, buy some music, start a hobby, go out for a meal, etc.
Or you could just save it. :)

Remember, other people have been in your situation and have quit, and there are hundreds of people quitting every day. You can be one of them.
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