How to Stop Getting Ahead of Yourself

As people, it's in our nature to look to the future. Looking towards tomorrow, looking towards next week, looking towards next year etc. 
Now getting ahead of yourself can be good, as things do need to be organised and doing it on the day would be impracticable for in many instances. It's when we start to live in the future when it's a problem, always looking to tomorrow and never focusing on the today, the now.

Concern for tomorrow will sap the energy from the day you're experiencing now. Don't let yourself do this, and stop worrying about what tomorrow's going to bring, instead enjoy the day you have at the moment, in the present

None of us know when our last day on this planet's going to be, so why always look to tomorrow? We already have enough for today; enough challenges to face without thinking about tomorrows as-well. 

I can remember when only a couple of years ago, I would waste the days, and often think about what 'tomorrow' was going to bring, what was going to happen in the future. 
What happened, was that it killed my drive. Instead of living in the moment and being productive and acting on the days I had, I wasted them, and always thought something better was going to happen the next. It rarely ever did. 

Every day, if we do something productive, do the things we're supposed to do, we're not only setting ourselves up for tomorrow, but we're in-turn preparing for it and not needing to worry about it or concern ourselves with it. 

I'm going to bring something-up that is said in the Bible quickly. I know that a lot of people who read this may not be Christian, but I do think it is a wise principle we all can apply to our lives, and should. It talks about the birds, how they don't worry about what the next day's going to bring, they don't store up things for tomorrow because they're living in the now.

When thinking about getting ahead of yourself, why do you feel the need to do it? I have a theory, but I don't think I could put this theory onto everyone, but I think it comes from dissatisfaction with the day you having. Now some of you will be thinking; "hold on a minute, I was only organising something for tomorrow", or "I was only thinking about how my job interview is going to go". 
I should probably clarify, when I say about being dissatisfied and linking it to thinking ahead, I'm only meaning it to the people who often worry about tomorrow. The people who always wonder what tomorrow is going to bring. 

Now, thinking about something that is already organised or organising something for the future would not be wrong. 
However, even with this, people sometimes feel unnecessary stress. Try to let yourself relax, think logically, and concentrate on the today.

The main point that I want to get across is that whilst we don't know what tomorrow is going to bring and we can't yet make an official impact on it. We can though, make an impact on the today and the now.
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