No Snacking Challenge Day 1

Al-right, so this is day 1 of my 'no snacking challenge'. If you don't know what this is then have a quick look at 'no snacking challenge'.
I've been anticipating difficulties today, being my fist day of going cold-turkey on snacks.

So this morning, I had breakfast. Two slices of toast with butter, this was around 8:30am. I would normally put some jam on, but we seem to have run-out. :( 
From here I had to plan how to get from breakfast to lunch time without snacking, which for me, took no planning as I don't snack between breakfast and lunch. :)

What I normally do however, is move lunch forward, which isn't good. I've been trying to keep myself productive spending time blogging and doing other things, but I did end up bringing lunch forward by a bit. My desired time for having lunch is normally anywhere from 12:00-13:00, but today I ended up shifting it to 11:30.

This is where not snacking after lunch (one of my expected difficulties) becomes harder, as I have to wait for a longer amount of time until dinner, and my family normally eats at around 6-7pm.
This is 6-7 hours of no food, and as I'm a person who works better during the first part of the day - this can be tough.

So when it came to lunch, I was not only wary of having to stop myself from snacking afterwards, but also about my meal sizes. I've noticed that my lunch portions are getting as big as my dinner portions (which if you've seen my dinner portions, could have you worried). :)

Instead of having a large lunch today however, I just had a sandwich. (Double-layered with ham, tuna, celery, and mayonnaise). Since then I haven't had that much of a pull back towards the kitchen, which surprises me. Although, there's absolutely nothing to snack on even if I wanted to, so that might be part of the reason why.

I'm trying not too hard to think about food and have put a little 'don't break the chain' chart up above my computer, which has all of my 30 days on.

Throughout the day I've been consuming lots of water, not sure how many glasses in total, but I definitely know that it's a minimum of ten. This has been helping a bit with my hunger cravings, but has sent me to the bathroom multiple times. :)

16:45 - Water is no longer enough to keep food off my mind and I'm longing to send something down into my stomach, not so much because I'm hungry, but more just to fill it. 

17:35 - Food is still on my mind, but I've made up my mind not to snack, especially not on my first day. I know that dinner will be on its way soon so I'm not too disheartened. Just push through it.

19:00 - I've now had dinner and a smaller portion of dessert, and I feel fine now. Now there's no more food for me until breakfast tomorrow.

To be brutally honest, although I did describe myself as being hungry from around 16:00 until dinner, it wasn't as difficult as I'd first imagined. I'm anticipating though that as the week progresses, I'm going to start to find it gets tougher.
I'm just going to take it one day, no, one meal at a time, and eventually these 30 days will be up. Right, time for bed.
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