How to Stop Snacking

Snacking is an incredibly easy thing to do, and can be quite troublesome to stop. Snacking can be the result of a few different factors: depression, boredom, your bodies need for more nutrients, an addiction to food etc.

If you know you're snacking, and you're trying to stop but can't, you may feel depressed about this, and end-up eating even more, this is quite common and can be stopped. 

Before you read this post, you may want to read a previous post of mine named: How to Enforce a New Habit.
Here are some simple tips for you to stop snacking:

1. Breakfast  

Breakfast is an incredibly important meal as your body hasn't eaten since the day before (in most cases), and so a kick-start to the day is needed. Your metabolism wont get started until you eat - so have some breakfast.

You're at a risk of fainting if you don't have breakfast.
I've got to say, I love breakfast. :)

2. Switch the Snacks 

Now when I say switch the snacks, I don't mean to switch them for just fruit and veg (which is still a good thing to do), but in many cases you can get low fat snacks that are still very tasty. 

3. Limit Your Snack Amounts 

Going along with point #2, as-well as changing your snacks, try to cut down the quantity. Try to be reasonable about this as-well, if you eat packets upon packets of biscuits, don't just cut down by 'a' biscuit.

Once you're used to your new snacking amount, cut it down again. Then just 'rinse-and-repeat'.

4. Keep Hydrated 

Instead of going to get yourself a snack, get yourself a glass of water instead. Having lots of water to drink can help put-off hunger for a bit longer. 

5. Have Set Meal Times 

If you're inconsistent with your meals, your body wont be able to properly adjust, and you're likely to snack more.

6. Avoid the T.V 

Don't try to take your mind off of something by watching t.v, as this encourages snacking. As you sit watching t.v, you'll feel like you need to be doing something with your hands (even if it's just subconsciously), and as a result will lead you to snacking. :(

7. Try to Stay Proactive 

It's amazing how long you can last without food and not realise you're hungry as a result of being involved in an activity.

Try doing more jobs around the house, or something that will help keep your mind away from food (apart from the t.v).
You'll also have a sense of achievement. If you have trouble with personal productivity, then read this article: 21 Ways to Boost Productivity.

8. Stop and Think 

When you find yourself going to get a snack, just stand still for a bit and try to think logically about what you're about to do. I know it can be hard when you're mind is so focused on something, but do your best and think about how you'd feel afterwards.
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